Linton - The Granta Pool

Cambridge Road, Linton CB21 4NN


1 week: 06.09.2023

2 week: 13.09.2023

3 week: 20.09.2023

4 week: 27.09.2023

5 week: 04.10.2023

6 week: 11.10.2023

7 week: 18.10.2023

Half term break

8 week: 01.11.2023

9 week: 08.11.2023

10 week: 15.11.2023

11 week: 22.11.2023

12 week: 29.11.2023

* Spare Week: 06.12.2023

Additional information

* The spare week

It is the week when we run lessons in case of any cancellations Swim School makes during the term. If there were no cancellations, we do not run lessons during the spare week.

Half term break

There are no swimming lessons during the Autumn 2023 half term break: 23.10.2023 - 29.10.2023. However it may change if there is more than one lesson cancellation. Swimmers / parents will be informed about any date changes via email.

Next term enrollment

The enrollment for Spring 2024 term is going to be open after Autumn 2023 half term break. During the first week of new enrollment existing swimmers have priority to enroll. Information about it is going to be sent to swimmers / parents via email.

Cambridge - The Grove Pool

Campkin Road, Cambridge CB4 2NB


1 week: 12.09.2023

2 week: 19.09.2023

3 week: 26.09.2023

4 week: 03.10.2023

5 week: 10.10.2023

6 week: 17.10.2023

Half term break

7 week: 31.10.2023

8 week: 07.11.2023

9 week: 14.11.2023

10 week: 21.11.2023

11 week: 28.11.2023

12 week: 05.12.2023

* Spare Week: 12.12.2023


1 week: 13.09.2023

2 week: 20.09.2023

3 week: 27.09.2023

4 week: 04.10.2023

5 week: 11.10.2023

6 week: 18.10.2023

Half term break

7 week: 01.11.2023

8 week: 08.11.2023

9 week: 15.11.2023

10 week: 22.11.2023

11 week: 29.11.2023

12 week: 06.12.2023

* Spare Week: 13.12.2023


1 week: 18.09.2023

2 week: 25.09.2023

3 week: 02.10.2023

4 week: 09.10.2023

5 week: 16.10.2023

Half term break

6 week: 30.10.2023

7 week: 06.11.2023

8 week: 13.11.2023

9 week: 20.11.2023

10 week: 27.11.2023

11 week: 04.12.2023

12 week: 11.12.2023

* Spare Week: 18.12.2023


1 week: 08.01.2024

2 week: 15.01.2024

3 week: 22.01.2024

4 week: 29.01.2024

5 week: 05.02.2024

6 week: 12.02.2024

Half term break

7 week: 26.02.2024

8 week: 04.03.2024

9 week: 11.03.2024

10 week: 18.03.2024

11 week: 25.03.2024


1 week: 09.01.2024

2 week: 16.01.2024

3 week: 23.01.2024

4 week: 30.01.2024

5 week: 06.02.2024

6 week: 13.02.2024

Half term break

7 week: 27.02.2024

8 week: 05.03.2024

9 week: 12.03.2024

10 week: 19.03.2024

11 week: 26.03.2024


1 week: 10.01.2024

2 week: 17.01.2024

3 week: 24.01.2024

4 week: 31.01.2024

5 week: 07.02.2024

6 week: 14.02.2024

Half term break

7 week: 28.02.2024

8 week: 06.03.2024

9 week: 13.03.2024

10 week: 20.03.2024

11 week: 27.03.2024

Term Dates

Summer 2024


1 week: 09.09.2024

2 week: 16.09.2024

3 week: 23.09.2024

4 week: 30.09.2024

5 week: 07.10.2024

6 week: 14.10.2024

7 week: 21.10.2024

Half term break

8 week: 04.11.2024

9 week: 11.11.2024

10 week: 18.11.2024

11 week: 25.11.2024

12 week: 02.12.2024

* Spare Week: 09.12.2024


1 week: 10.09.2024

2 week: 17.09.2024

3 week: 24.09.2024

4 week: 01.10.2024

5 week: 08.10.2024

6 week: 15.10.2024

7 week: 22.10.2024

Half term break

8 week: 05.11.2024

9 week: 12.11.2024

10 week: 19.11.2024

11 week: 26.11.2024

12 week: 03.12.2024

* Spare Week: 10.12.2024


1 week: 11.09.2024

2 week: 18.09.2024

3 week: 25.09.2024

4 week: 02.10.2024

5 week: 09.10.2024

6 week: 16.10.2024

7 week: 23.10.2024

Half term break

8 week: 06.11.2024

9 week: 13.11.2024

10 week: 20.11.2024

11 week: 27.11.2024

12 week: 04.12.2024

* Spare Week: 11.12.2024

Additional information

* The spare week

It is the week when we run lessons in case of any cancellations Swim School makes during the term. If there were no cancellations, we do not run lessons during the spare week.

Half term break

In general there are no swimming lessons during the half term breaks and bank holidays. However it may change if there is more than one lesson cancellation. Swimmers / parents will be informed about any date changes via email.

Next term enrollment

During the first week of new term enrollment, existing swimmers have priority in enrolling. During the second week of the new term enrolment, children from our waiting list have a priority. After priority enrolments, the enrolment is open to everyone interested in joining our swimming lessons.

Did you you miss the enrollment?

If you missed the beginning of the term your child can still join us if there is an available place. To find out about the available places please fill in the enrolment form.

Click the button above to go to the enrolment form.

We look forward to hearing from you!

All the best,

Ewa Potopianek & Swim Boost Team